Serving Northeast Kansas - 1919 SW 10 th Ave, Topeka, Kansas 66604
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What is Natural Weight-Loss ?


Natural weight loss means reaching a healthy weight without surgery, dangerous medication or packaged diet foods. It means returning to the weight you want to be in a way that leaves you in control and allows you to maintain that healthier weight.

Many adults recognize they are overweight but feel helpless to change. They may have been victimized by ineffective diets, dangerous pills or food-sales programs.

Our natural weight-loss program helps people who have felt hopeless after trying other approaches.

They discover they were not failures,

It was the plan they had followed that was the failure !


Theoretically, anyone can lose weight on most diets. Unfortunately, this is usually true only if you are a rat in a cage. When you try to follow ineffective diets where you have free-will, you may be constantly hungry and find it impossible to lose weight. Such ineffective attempts to lose weight may have left you feeling trapped or discouraged. Our program puts you back in control. We evaluate you and teach you dietary methods that don’t leave you hungry.

We do not sell you food, supplements or products.


Are you ready to start now or have questions?

Schedule an individual appointment with us today.
Call 785-783-7779 for details or CLICK HERE for our ONLINE CONTACT FORM.
Outside Topeka? Call toll-free 1-888-933-9833

Interested in our other programs ?
Please Contact our office for more information.

**This site is intended to provide information about programs and services available through Preventive Medicine Associates LLC. This website is not intended to offer individual medical advice. If you require care, contact us or consult your personal physician.